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Wrapping is one of the most important factors of newborn photography. Wrapping helps in calming a baby and by knowing the different techniques of wrapping, one can create beautiful images of newborn babies.  



Introduction to Baby Wrapping

The safety measures, how to handle babies while wrapping, how to set up the wrapping area, etc


Kinds of Wraps

The different kinds of wraps that are available in the market, the ones used for newborn photography.

What kind of wraps to use for which style, etc 


15+ Wrapping Techniques

  • Full Body in various styles

  • Wrapping for Potato Sack Pose

  • Comfort Wrap

  • Open Wrap (See the details)

  • Womb Wrap

  • Twisted Fan Wrap

  • Bow Knot Wrap

  • Peeping Hand and Feet Wrap

  • Pretzel Wrap

  • Cocoon Shell Wrap

  • Double Colour Cross Wrap

  • Rice Paper/See through Wrap

  • Flower Wrap



I am a complete beginner to newborn photography. Is this workshop recommended for me?

Yes ofcourse. As mentioned above, wrapping a baby is one of the most important factors of newborn photography and hence it is recommended to learn the right way of wrapping babies to get the best out of your photography skills. 


How will this workshop be conducted?

The workshop can take place face to face at the studio in Bangalore or on an online platform such as google meet or skype. The wrapping techniques will be demonstrated on a posing doll for better understanding and there will be enough time given to learn each style.


What is the duration of the workshop? 

It will take approximately 3 hours, it could take longer or lesser depending on the speed of your learning. Since it is a one-on-one mentoring session, you will be given enough time to learn.


What will I need for the workshop?

Having a posing doll will help in understanding the wrapping styles and practising the same. You can invest in one with Varai Prop Store.



If you have further questions about the mentoring workshop, do drop me a note at


₹ 15,000/-

Payment details will be shared upon enquiry



Slot 1: 10.00am to 1.00pm

Slot 2: 2.00pm - 5.00pm


Email or WhatsApp 9845277631 for available dates and  slots.

To register for the tutorial, please drop in an email to

All content copyright to Pretty Pictures Photography by Preethi Sriram

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